riding the bridleways
This section of the Website is about bridleways – hints on riding them, their legal status, clothes to take, and so on. Click on the subject you want. You can return to this page by clicking the back to bridleways button on each of them. These pages are all text – print them out if you want.
They contain a whole lot of information which will make your bridle-ride more enjoyable – and safer – especially if you haven’t been bridle-riding before. We get lots of letters each year which say “I wish we’d known” or “I wish you’d told us” this or that. In almost every case the information is on these pages. They are the fruit of a lot of experience of bridle-riding – by ourselves and by others. They’re well well worth reading.
The British Horse Society (BHS) have lots of free leaflets on Access and Rights of Way and, among other things, help to protect riders’ rights to use bridleways. Bridle Rides are trade members of the BHS – but if you’d like to join as an individual, e-mail us for a Membership Form?